Saturday 8 May 2010

What do you do when the only answer is NO?

As a mother of a two year old, it's been a few months that the most common answer I get from my son is "No" (even when not asking a question). He has in fact become fascinated by the word and will sometimes even yell it with all his strength (which can be slightly embarassing when it happens in a public place and everyone turns to look, giving me the 'you're not a bad mother are you' stare - I'm sure it's there- as I try to calm him down and explain that I was just asking if he wanted a drink -whilst giving my best 'I'm a good mother really I am smile').

If, like me, you're going through this period with your child,  you might find this article I can across useful :

Resistance: What to do about the endless no's 

It provides a nice action plan of ways to help over come the situation.

Have you got any tips of your own? Share them in the comments section of this post

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