Wednesday 28 April 2010

Super Mum Award

Know someone who's a great mum? Nominate them for the first SUPER MUM AWARD! Just let us know who they are and why you think they desire the award. The public will then vote for the winner here in the site.

Do you know a super mum? Does she go above and beyond? Does she always come up with the best games to play or have the best ideas for mealtimes? Has her child been ill and she shown her real strength as a mother? What ever the reason, I want to hear about it. Show her your admiration for her and what she does and nominate her for this award. It's sure to put a smile on her face!

Just post your nomination in the comments section of this post. Nominated mums will then be voted on by readers of this website and the winner and SUPER MUM announced on June 1st 2010.

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