Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Make the Most of Christmas Without Getting in Over Your Head

Christmas is upon us once again. Even though it’s still a while off it’s something we should be thinking about and preparing for ahead of time. I’ve been trying to make changes in the way I approach Christmas the past few years and every year I do my best to have things well thought out in advance. There are things you can do to keep from overdoing and overextending. They take a little planning but each year it will get easier. Some of these ideas will not benefit you until next year but it’s time to start now.

Image via publicdomainpictures.net
1. Purchase Gifts, Wrapping, and Decorations after Christmas – Take advantage of the after Christmas sales to get some of next years shopping done. Some of you may balk at buying gifts for next year, this year. There are things you can get like stocking stuffers, teacher gifts, and cookie tins which will be discounted greatly. You can get wrapping paper, bows, ribbons, and cards for much cheaper. All holiday decorations will be on sale, just make sure you get out right after Christmas because they go fast.

2. Dollar Stores – Many decorations can be purchased at your local dollar store if you missed the after Christmas sales or forgot something. They have really cute tins for cookies and candy, bows, wrap, tinsel, and many other items. 

3. Lower Expectations – I don’t know about your families but in ours we have discussed lowering the budget on Christmas and have decided to limit giving to the children and the elder members of the family. There are a few family members that are alone that would not receive gifts if it were not from the extended family to whom we also give. We have discussed with our children cutting back to one or two things they really want and a few small gifts. Over the years things can really get out of hand with our children!

4. Start Shopping Early – Consider buying a couple of gifts every month starting a few months before Christmas. Shop during sales like back to school sales and Labor Day to save money and avoid the Christmas rush.

5. Make a List and Stick to it – Make a list of all those you want to buy for and write an amount next to their name that you can afford. Write possible gift ideas underneath their names that correspond with that amount. It makes it faster when you are in the store and if you stick to the amount beside each name you will come out better in the end. I have done this for several years; it has helped me immensely.

Image via publicdomainpictures.net
6. Use Cash, Not Credit – Add up the amount you have next to each name, add enough for taxes, and get the cash and put it in an envelope marked Christmas Shopping. Do your best not to deviate from what’s in that envelope! When you use credit cards you tend to spend more and those payments will be with you long after Christmas.

A few other things to consider are gift exchanges and homemade gifts. I know my neighbors and some of my single cousins really enjoy getting homemade cookies for Christmas, as well as teachers. When you are having extended family over for the Christmas meal you might consider doing it potluck style. Cutting back is difficult but if you do it a little each Christmas it will not be as hard and you will find that you are enjoying the holidays a lot more.

Guest post by Jack Meyer, a regular contributor for http://www.nannybackgroundcheck.com/. As a detective he wants to spread the knowledge of terrible things that can happen when people don’t fully verify the credentials of a caregiver or any employee. He also writes for various law enforcement blogs and sites.

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