Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Talk to Your Baby

The health and nutrition of a new baby is most likely foremost on the minds of new and seasoned moms alike. Moms take special care to provide a loving environment for their babies to grow up in. Many moms are making choices on health options, like breastfeeding or cord blood banking for example, in order to give them the healthiest start possible. In addition, moms are making efforts to spend quality time snuggling and playing with their babies.

Talking to your baby can have a huge impact on his or her ability to acquire language. It's startling to think that in just the first year of life your baby will hear all of the sounds in the English language. Hearing these sounds over and over is what your baby needs in order to start speaking the sounds. The more your baby is immersed in language, the easier it will be for him or her to start uttering those precious first words.

Narrate the Day

There's no reason to stay quiet just because your baby can't understand what you're saying. Treat your baby like any adult that's hanging around the house by talking conversationally to him or her throughout the day. If you're folding the laundry, say, "Mom has to fold this whole pile of laundry, and then we're going to go for a walk in the stroller." Let your baby know where you're going, who you're seeing and what you're doing as you go about the day. Although it may feel strange at first, it will become natural as time passes. Talking to your baby from birth provides a wonderful introduction to language and gives your baby the necessary foundation to learn to speak.


When you read to your baby, you are introducing important concepts about print and language. Reading with expression allows your baby to hear many different forms of expression. The pictures provide visual stimulation, and just sitting with mom for this special time provides a sense of security and love for your little one. Babies learn valuable information about communication and the world through books. Books also stimulate memory, listening and vocabulary skills. Pick up a book and share a cuddle with your baby every single day.


Singing is just another form of language that babies should be exposed to. Your baby doesn't care whether you can carry a tune or not. Engage your babe with silly little songs as you change his or her diaper, feed him or her or calm him or her down for a nap. Singing will help your baby develop those all-important language skills that he or she intends to wow you with in about a year.

With so many health preparations a mother makes to try to ensure her baby grows up as healthy as possible, it’s equally important for a mother to work to help her baby grow mentally and talking, singing and reading to baby is a great way to do it—and a great bonding experience for both too!

This is a guest post written by Katie Moore. Katie is an active writer within the Mom-o-sphere of the blogging world. Just after becoming a Mom herself, Katie took to blogging to share her knowledge and passion for motherhood, pregnancy, children, fitness and overall health. She enjoys spending time with her family, writing and researching, and connecting with others! If you have any questions or would like to connect with Katie please contact by visiting her blog “Moore From Katie,” or her twitter @moorekm26.

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