When you are a first time mother, it is very
easy to get anxious or scared. Your body is sending you messages that you have
never encountered before, and suddenly everyone you know is filling your head
with horror stories! As you go through your pregnancy, this anxiety does you
more harm than good, so consider these tips for quelling your fears!
Stop Scary Stories in Their Tracks
If you can tell that someone is about to launch into a horror story about
someone else’s rough pregnancy, stop them politely but firmly. Let them know
that those stories are not helping, and that you would rather not hear them.
This is a great way to cut down on a great deal of your stress.
Hang Out With Safe People
Who do you consider your family? A first time mother often feels very nervous
and very lost. If you can, spend time with your loved ones. They are your
support network, and even if they are far away, a text, an email or some
quality time on Skype can help you feel close to them. Think about who you
consider safe, and consider getting some time with them.
Do Your Own Research
If you are worried about a certain topic regarding your pregnancy, do your own
research. There are a lot of stories and legends about how pregnancies go, and
simply asking someone else is not always going to give you the answer that you
need. Get online and start searching for the real facts; in some cases, the
most famous pregnancy truths are actually myths!
Maintain a Close Relationship With Your Doctor
The more comfortable you feel with your OB/GYN the better. Your doctor will be
with you from the beginning of your pregnancy to the end, and he or she can
help calm your fears considerably. Save up your questions, and ask them during
your visits. If you are not satisfied with the answer, ask for
Consider a Midwife
A midwife is a professional who assists with the birth and the pregnancy in a
significantly more hands-on way than a doctor. A midwife will come to your
home, and his or her priority will specifically be making sure that your
pregnancy goes easily. Midwives offer more personal care than doctors do, and
because of this, they can be an excellent choice for a first-time mother.
If you are someone who is feeling a little nervous in the middle of all the
excitement of a pregnancy, take a deep breath and relax. Most women have very
normal pregnancies, and the chances of something going unexpectedly wrong are
quite slim. Talk out your fears and take control of them so that you will have
a great pregnancy.
Guest post by Heather Smith, ex-nanny and editor of Nanny.net.
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